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Los Angeles Travelers Museum

Studio 3B 










The Los Angeles Travelers Museum is placed at the intersection of two of the most important freeways of the city of Los Angeles: the 110 and the 101. The city of Los Angeles has many different displays of art throughout the city. The cultures are deeply rooted in expression through many different mediums of art. LATM is a museum for the people displaying contemporary art as well as local art. This museum is designed to become part of the existing fabric of the area. At the same time, it challenges the “box” Architecture that surrounds it. The design solution stems from a series of studies on the sight: Hard scape patterns, directional views, sun/wind patterns. The culmination of all these criteria is what gives the LATM its unique form. This leads the maximum utilization of the chosen site will directly addressing the views while taking on new form as the structure rises above the freeway to meet the view of all Downtown Los Angeles. This museum will act as anchor for art in Los Angeles, its accessibility and attention to the existence reminds us of the importance of art to the city.

Our proposal provides one of the kind experiences of the atrium, surrounded by our grand unique circular escalators. Providing an interstitial space separating the vertical circulation from the gallery space. By having glass floors it provides a complete view of the whole building from anywhere in the atrium, this also natural light to penetrate all the way through the building, even to the lowest floors.

The unique use of steal box trusses allows for a seamless transition between structure façade and floor. The curved structure is not just surrounding the building but is the building itself, allowing its occupants to experience its curves and connections throughout.

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