A Joint Venture
Thesis Studio
Through the Study and recreation of traditional Japanese joinery techniques I grew to understand the inmate relationship between two materials coming together. Starting off specifically with the Sumikiri Isuka Tsugi joint which a rabbited joint that is made of two of the same pieces that slot together to create a connection. With this idea and influence the next phase of cannibalizing and hybridizing a new form was rendered. Starting first with the influence of materials, exploring new materials like metal and plastic and using this material qualities to dictate the final form. “You say to a brick, 'What do you want, brick? ' And brick says to you, 'I like an arch.” Louis Kahn
Architecture cannot be created just through influence of the creator but must be influenced by the materials that make it up. To do this we must first now the materials and their desires. To design in this way, we must start with the detail and work outer way outward first understanding the connection and then letting that influence the design.
This project stems from the relationship between material and form. For this project the relationship between material and form will be exaggerated through the programing of the building. Considering the true need for housing in the city of Los Angeles I will study the use of micro apartments as an architectonic to help bridge the gap of need. At the same time, I will mesh in an environment for business incubation. Just as the form explores the connection and relationship between two materials. The architectural will blend the two programs to create a symbiotic relationship to help the community of Los Angeles flourish. The site at the corner of 1st and Central is an ideal Location for this. Surrounded by neighborhood of business and tradition the building will serve as a hub for 21st century entrepreneurs to create and build businesses and communities.